Interesting facts about YouTube:
In the previous YouTube facts part 1 we discussed 11 most interesting facts about the YouTube. In this post we will see the further YouTube facts part 2.
11. May you know The famous song "Justin Bieber's Baby" was released and it became as the most disliked record in the history of YouTube. 12 million Dislikes on average. What a funny moment. I don't know what's the hateable thing on that song? I'm one of fan for Justin Bieber and that baby song.
12. This fact is much different one. You Tube's 60% of the most popular posts that are in Germany are banned by the German government. Their government following this type of rules to save their people from social media adicts.
13. YouTube is available in Android, iOS, web browser also. We can see the YouTube website on mobile or computer. But an survey says One billion people in every day just opening this YouTube application on their cell phone. It increases day by day as well.
14. Do you know what is the most searched crazy word phrase in the history of You Tube? "How to kiss" This phrase has the highest search number till now. By this example we can understand one thing clearly most of the people are single and another sad thing is they don't know like me how to kiss.
15. In the early stages we used Facebook for entertainment. But in these recent days One third of the people who use the internet to use the YouTube only. May be our whole net package is giving to the You Tube only. And also wasting our time on that.
16. If we do not like a video on you tube it is normal to quit. According to a poll, 20% of people quit a video if they do not like it within the 10 seconds. If they are being on that video more than 10 seconds the probably watch the whole video.
17. The YouTube application is being used on average in all countries. But 80 percent of users are not in the United States. That’s only 20 percent of users in the United States. Others are in from the corner of whole World.
18. Do you know which is the most viewed video on YouTube. "Charlie bit my finger" is a video that has been viewed by more people as a normal video without any song, dance or movie recording.
19. U tube had filed a case against YouTube for changing the name of its website to YouTube and claiming that people reached out to YouTube in an attempt to find our site. But this case is cancelled for some other reasons.
20. If you are a person using the YouTube app on your computer, search for "do the harlem shake" in its search icon. Your YouTube application will behave a bit more interestingly. It was designed by YouTube developer for fun. Look for nothing dangerous. Just try it and share this fun with your friends also.
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