What? If you buy ice cream, do not start the car!
A car owner approached a manager to have his own car repaired.
The manager was shocked to hear the application of the person and was surprised that such repairs would not take place. That’s what the person asked for in that application! The man said he used to go to a supermarket near his house by car a short distance from his house every day to buy vanilla ice cream. The problem was that his cart only broke down when he bought vanilla ice cream. !
Upon hearing this, the manager became very confused and sent an engineer to work with him. The customer immediately got into the engineer's car, went to the supermarket and checked if it was as the customer had said.
The customer does not lie. As he said, the van does not start only when he buys vanilla ice cream.
After thinking for a while, the engineer looked at the exterior of the supermarket and saw that this was the problem. What it does mean is that there is only vanilla ice cream flavor on the front of that supermarket to attract people. The others are pushed inside the supermarket so you can pick them up as soon as the vanilla arrives. But it takes a while to pick up the other flavor Now the real problem is that the car has a tool called Vapour Lock. The device malfunctioned, thus delaying the start of the car. This tool helps to reduce the car from its temperature. This means that the car can only be started when the car's temperature drops.
The vanilla ice cream takes some time to cool down as the customer comes out and picks up the vanilla ice cream immediately. So the car looks like it broke down. The car starts when the other flavor ice cream goes inside and takes a while and then comes out and the vapour lock heats up.
The engineer explained this to the customer, just lay down for a while and went to the office.
Vapour lock system:
vapour lock, partial or a complete interruption of the fuel flow in an internal-combustion type engine, caused by the formation of vapour or the bubbles of gas in the fuel-feeding of system. Vapour forms because of fuel boiling in the fuel lines, usually as a result of the excessive heating of the engine in hot weather or the operation of the vehicle in areas of high altitude, which lowers the exact boiling point of the fuel. In some engines the fuel line may be routed too close to the exhaust manifold or other parts of the engine which can give off intense heat. Allowing the engine to easily cool usually enables the vapour to recondense and thereby clears the vapour lock in that engine.
By this definition you can easily understand how the vapour lock system works and how the car owner consider this as a confusing one.
Narrator: Whatever the problem, it is wrong to look at it from the same angle and find a way to it. To be seen from other angles as well.
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