Butterfly effect examples | The most dangerous Butterfly Effect

Butterfly effect :

We have seen many interesting stories and movies in our lives and the response to science fiction films has been overwhelming. Movies like Time Traveling, Time loop films are still popular among the people.

More than 60 movies and TV shows have been made based on the Butterfly Effect theory.

So in this post we will see what is the theory of this butterfly effect with some examples And what effect in our history?

What is Butterfly effect?

      Butterfly effect examples

Even some things that we consider small can make many changes in our lives. No matter how long it takes, months or years, things will change. This is the basis of this theory.

Who first discovered this?

Butterfly effect examples

Edward Lorenz was the first who discovered this theory. He carried out the work of calculating the magnitude of natural disasters. He then made very small changes to the numbers shown by his machine during routine recording to make the job easier. Then when he saw the altered information on the machine and it made many changes.

Only then did he realize that some things that we consider small can make a difference in our lives too.

Let’s continue to look at how much this butterfly effect theory has changed our history.

1. John f Kennedy

2. Wrong turn

3. The trigger

1.John F Kennedy:

Butterfly effect examples

John F. Kennedy was President of the United States. He was assassinated. John F. Kennedy was attacked by a gunman from a tall building as he was coming in a vehicle to meet people. The first bullet landed in his hand just seconds after second bullet killed him. He could have escaped the attack if he had bowed his head when the first bullet struck.

What butterfly effect do you think it has?

 He suffered a permanent spinal cord injury while attending college 27 years. Doctors told that there would be a permanent way because of the spinal cord injury. He started wearing an item called a back brace on his back. He was wearing this before he died which is why he was unable to bend when hit by the second bullet.

An injury 27 years ago caused him to die. This is also considered a butterfly effect.

2. Wrong turn:

Butterfly effect examples

The person on the Austrian throne was Franz Ferdinand. Those who did not like him, planned to kill him and one day threw a grenade on his way but the bomber struck the vehicle coming from behind instead of hitting his vehicle killed many peoples. Franz Ferdinand who escaped from that danger  knowing that they planned to attack him and instead of Franz Ferdinand the others had been injured in the accident. He was going in his vehicle to see them at the hospital.

 Then Ferdinand realized that he was going astray and told the driver to stop the car. In front of his car  Gavrilo was there who was a Serbian man who had previously planned to assassinate Franz Ferdinand. 

Butterfly effect examples

Gavrilo thought this was the right moment and he shot Franz Ferdinand in the head with his shotgun.

A car traveling on the wrong track started the first world war in history. So this too is considered as a butterfly effect.

3.The trigger:

Henry Tandey was a soldier in the 1918 war between the British and Germany

Butterfly effect examples

As usual in battle Henry Tandey placed his next target at a German soldier. The soldier said as he injured, then Henry Tandey did not shot the German soldier due to the legacy of the war.

Adolf Hitler was the German soldier who escaped by the reason of injury. The he came to power after a few years later during World War II and took the lives of an average of six million people.

Butterfly effect examples

A unfired bullet is the reason for 6 million people's dead. Have you seen how the Butterfly Effect works?

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